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ConSLAM: Construction Data Set for SLAM

Published in ASCE, 2023

Author(s): M. Trzeciak, K. Pluta, Y. Fathy, L. Alcalde, S. Chee, A. Bromley, I. Brilakis

Abstract: This paper presents a data set collected periodically on a construction site. The data set aims to evaluate the performance of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms used by mobile scanners or autonomous robots. It includes ground-truth scans of a construction site collected using a terrestrial laser scanner along with five sequences of spatially registered and time-synchronized images, lidar scans, and inertial data coming from our prototypical handheld scanner. We also recover the ground-truth trajectory of the mobile scanner by registering the sequential lidar scans to the ground-truth scans and show how to use a popular software package to measure the accuracy of SLAM algorithms against our trajectory automatically. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publicly accessible data set consisting of periodically collected sequential data on a construction site. File: HAL link

Recommended citation: Trzeciak M., Pluta K., Fathy Y., Alcalde L., Chee S., et al. 2022. ConSLAM: Construction Data Set for SLAM. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 37(3)

ConSLAM: Periodically Collected Real-World Construction Dataset for SLAM and Progress Monitoring

Published in ECCV 2022, 2022

Author(s): M. Trzeciak, K. Pluta, Y. Fathy, L. Alcalde, S. Chee, A. Bromley, I. Brilakis

Abstract: Hand-held scanners are progressively adopted to workflows on con- struction sites. Yet, they suffer from accuracy problems, preventing them from deployment for demanding use cases. In this paper, we present a real-world dataset collected periodically on a construction site to measure the accuracy of SLAM algorithms that mobile scanners utilize. The dataset contains time-synchronised and spatially registered images and LiDAR scans, inertial data and professional ground-truth scans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publicly available dataset which reflects the periodic need of scanning construction sites with the aim of accurate progress monitoring using a hand-held scanner.

File: HAL link

Recommended citation: Trzeciak M., Pluta K., Fathy Y., Alcalde L., Chee S., et al. 2022. ConSLAM: Periodically Collected Real-World Construction Dataset for SLAM and Progress Monitoring. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13807

PH-CPF: Planar Hexagonal Meshing using Coordinate Power Fields

Published in SIGGRAPH 2021, 2021

Author(s): K. Pluta, M. Edelstein, A. Vaxman, M. Ben-Chen

Abstract: We present a new approach for computing planar hexagonal meshes that approximate a given surface, represented as a triangle mesh. Our method is based on two novel technical contributions. First, we introduce Coordinate Power Fields, which are a pair of tangent vector fields on the surface that fulfill a certain continuity constraint. We prove that the fulfillment of this constraint guarantees the existence of a seamless parameterization with quantized rotational jumps, which we then use to regularly remesh the surface. We additionally propose an optimization framework for finding Coordinate Power Fields, which also fulfill additional constraints, such as alignment, sizing and bijectivity. Second, we build upon this framework to address a challenging meshing problem: planar hexagonal meshing. To this end, we suggest a combination of conjugacy, scaling and alignment constraints, which together lead to planarizable hexagons. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of surfaces, automatically generating planar hexagonal meshes on complicated meshes, which were not achievable with existing methods.

File: ACM link

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Edelstein M., Vaxman A., Ben-Chen M. 2021. PH-CPF: Planar Hexagonal Meshing using Coordinate Power Fields. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 40(4), 1–19.

Shape and Dimension Estimations of Landslide Rupture Zones via Correlations of Characteristic Parameters

Published in Geosciences, 2020

Author(s): G. Domej, C. Bourdeau, L. Lenti, S. Martino, K. Pluta

Abstract: For many geotechnical purposes, the proper estimation of shapes and dimensions of landslide rupture zones is of significant importance. Very often, this exact delineation is difficult due to the lack of information on rupture zone extents in 3D. Based on a global landslide inventory, this work presents statistical analyses correlating dimension-related and shape-related parameters characterizing a rupture zone in 3D to its volume. Dimension-related parameters are approximated by linear regressions increasing with greater volumes, whereas shape-related parameters appear stable throughout the entire range of volumes. Revealing themselves as very stable, these correlations can be used, hence, to extrapolate from a distinct parameter to the volume of a landslide rupture zone. In a second stage, ratios of dimension-related parameters are correlated with rupture zone volumes. Furthermore, this type of correlation delivers very stable results showing that ratios are constant throughout the entire range of volumes. Making use of this ratio consistency, it is possible to deduce one of the two parameters when the other one is given. This latter aspect seems to be promising for remote sensing surveys when initial rupture areas or rupture volumes should be delineated or for numerical modeling of landslides in 3D.

File: ResearchGate link

Recommended citation: Domej, G., Bourdeau, C., Lenti, L., Martino, S., & Pluta, K. (2020). Shape and Dimension Estimations of Landslide Rupture Zones via Correlations of Characteristic Parameters. Geosciences, 10(5), 198.

Mean Landslide Geometries Inferred From a Global Database of Earthquake- and Non-earthquake-Triggered Landslides

Published in Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 2017

Author(s): G. Domej, C. Bourdeau, L. Lenti, S. Martino, K. Pluta

Abstract: Ranging in size from very small to tremendous, landslides often cause loss of life and damage to infrastructure, property and the environment. They are triggered by a variety and combinations of causes among which the role of water and seismic shaking have the most serious consequences. In this regard, seismic wave amplification due to topography as well as to the impedance contrast between the landslide mass and its underlying bedrock are of particular interest. Therefore, high resolution reconstruction of the lateral confinement of the landslide mass and the exact measurement of the mechanical properties are a necessity. A global chronological database was created to study and compare 2D and 3D geometries of landslides, i.e. of landslides properly sliding on a rupture surface. It contains 277 seismically and non-seismically induced landslides whose rupture masses were measured in all available details allowing for statistical analyses of their shapes and to create numerical models thereupon based. Detailed studies reveal that values of distinct geometrical parameters have different statistical behaviors. As for dimension related parameters, occurrence frequencies follow decreasing exponential distributions and mean values progressively increase with landslide magnitude. In contrast, occurrence frequencies of shape-related parameters follow normal distributions and mean values are constant throughout different landslide magnitudes. Dimensions and shapes of landslides are thus to be regarded in a precise and distinctive manner when analyzing seismically induced slope displacements.

File(s): Article (PDF), BibTeX

Rigid Motions on Discrete Spaces

Published in UPE, 2017

Author(s): K. Pluta

Abstract: In digital geometry, Euclidean objects are represented by their discrete approximations, e.g. subsets of the lattice of integers. Rigid motions of such sets have to be defined as maps from and onto a given discrete space. One way to design such motions is to combine continuous rigid motions defined on Euclidean space with a digitization operator. However, digitized rigid motions often no longer satisfy properties of their continuous siblings. Indeed, due to digitization, such transformations do not preserve distances, while bijectivity and point connectivity are generally lost. In the context of 2D discrete spaces, we study digitized rigid motions on the lattices of Gaussian and Eisenstein integers. We characterize bijective digitized rigid motions on the integer lattice, and bijective digitized rotations on the regular hexagonal lattice. Also, we compare the information loss induced by non-bijective digitized rigid motions defined on both lattices. Yet, for practical applications, the relevant information is not global bijectivity, but bijectivity of a digitized rigid motion restricted to a given finite subset of a lattice. We propose two algorithms testing that condition for subsets of the integer lattice, and a third algorithm providing optimal angle intervals that preserve this restricted bijectivity. We then focus on digitized rigid motions on the 3D integer lattice. First, we study at a local scale geometric and topological defects induced by digitized rigid motions. Such an analysis consists of generating all the images of a finite digital set under digitized rigid motions. This problem amounts to computing an arrangement of hypersurfaces in a 6D parameter space. The dimensionality and degenerate cases make the problem practically unsolvable for state-of-the-art techniques. We propose an ad hoc solution, which mainly relies on parameter uncoupling, and an algorithm for computing sample points of 3D connected components in an arrangement of second degree polynomials. Finally, we focus on the open problem of determining whether a 3D digitized rotation is bijective. In our approach, we explore arithmetic properties of Lipschitz quaternions. This leads to an algorithm which answers whether a given digitized rotation—related to a Lipschitz quaternion—is bijective.

File: TEL public repository

Recommended citation: Pluta K.: Discrete Spaces on Discrete Spaces. PhD Thesis, University Paris-Est, 2017

Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid

Published in To appear in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2017

Author(s): K. Pluta, T. Roussillon, D. Cœurjolly, P. Romon, Y. Kenmochi, V. Ostromoukhov

Abstract: Digitized rotations on discrete spaces are usually defined as the composition of a Euclidean rotation and a rounding operator; they are in general not bijective. Nevertheless, it is well known that digitized rotations defined on the square grid are bijective for some specific angles. This infinite family of angles has been characterized by Nouvel and Rémila and more recently by Roussillon and Cœurjolly. In this article, we characterize bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid using arithmetical properties of the Eisenstein integers.

File(s): Preprint (PDF), BibTeX

Honeycomb geometry: Rigid Motions on the Hexagonal Grid

Published in DGCI, 2017

Author(s): K. Pluta, P. Romon, Y. Kenmochi, N. Passat

Abstract: Euclidean rotations in R2 are bijective and isometric maps, but they lose generally these properties when digitized in discrete spaces. In particular, the topological and geometrical defects of digitized rigid motions on the square grid have been studied. In this context, the main problem is related to the incompatibility between the square grid and rotations; in general, one has to accept either relatively high loss of information or non-exactness of the applied digitized rigid motion. Motivated by these considerations, we study digitized rigid motions on the hexagonal grid. We establish a framework for studying digitized rigid motions in the hexagonal grid—previously proposed for the square grid and known as neighborhood motion maps. This allows us to study non-injective digitized rigid motions on the hexagonal grid and to compare the loss of information between digitized rigid motions defined on the two grids.

File(s): Preprint (PDF), BibTeX

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Romon P., Kenmochi Y., Passat N. (2017) Honeycomb geometry: Rigid Motions on the Hexagonal Grid. In: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. DGCI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10502. Springer, pp 33-45, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66272-5_4

A global database of seismically and non-seismically triggered landslides for 2D/3D numerical modeling

Published in EGU 2017, 2017

Author(s): G. Domej, C. Bourdeau, L. Lenti, K. Pluta

A part of the abstract: “Landsliding is a worldwide common phenomenon. Every year, and ranging in size from very small to enormous, landslides cause all too often loss of life and disastrous damage to infrastructure, property and the environment. One main reason for more frequent catastrophes is the growth of population on the Earth which entails extending urbanization to areas at risk…” (see PDF)

File(s): Abstract (PDF)

Bijective Digitized Rigid Motions on Subsets of the Plane

Published in JMIV, 2017

Author(s): K. Pluta, P. Romon, Y. Kenmochi, N. Passat

Abstract: Rigid motions in R2 are fundamental operations in 2D image processing. They satisfy many properties: in particular, they are isometric and therefore bijective. Digitized rigid motions, however, lose these two properties. To investigate the lack of injectivity or surjectivity and more generally their local behavior, we extend the framework initially proposed by Nouvel and Rémila to the case of digitized rigid motions. Yet, for practical applications, the relevant information is not global bijectivity, which is seldom achieved, but bijectivity of the motion restricted to a given finite subset of R2. We propose two algorithms testing that condition. Finally, because rotation angles are rarely given with infinite precision, we propose a third algorithm providing optimal angle intervals that preserve this restricted bijectivity.

File(s): Pre-print (PDF), BibTeX, Errata (2017-06-03)

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Romon P., Kenmochi Y., Passat N. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2017), doi:10.1007/s10851-017-0706-8

Quadric Arrangement in Classifying Rigid Motions of a 3D Digital Image

Published in CASC, 2016

Author(s): K. Pluta, G. Moroz, Y. Kenmochi, P. Romon

Abstract: Rigid motions are fundamental operations in image processing. While bijective and isometric in R3, they lose these properties when digitized in Z3. To understand how the digitization of 3D rigid motions affects the topology and geometry of a chosen image patch, we classify the rigid motions according to their effect on the image patch. This classification can be described by an arrangement of hypersurfaces in the parameter space of 3D rigid motions of dimension six. However, its high dimensionality and the existence of degenerate cases make a direct application of classical techniques, such as cylindrical algebraic decomposition or critical point method, difficult. We show that this problem can be first reduced to computing sample points in an arrangement of quadrics in the 3D parameter space of rotations. Then we recover information about remaining three parameters of translation. We implemented an ad-hoc variant of state-of-the-art algorithms and applied it to an image patch of cardinality 7. This leads to an arrangement of 81 quadrics and we recovered the classification in less than one hour on a machine equipped with 40 cores.

File(s): Pre-print (PDF), BibTeX, Errata (2018-06-25)

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Moroz G., Kenmochi Y., Romon P. (2016) Quadric Arrangement in Classifying Rigid Motions of a 3D Digital Image. In: Gerdt V., Koepf W., Seiler W., Vorozhtsov E. (eds) Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing. CASC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9890. Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45641-6_27

Bijectivity Certification of 3D Digitized Rotations

Published in CTIC, 2016

Author(s): K. Pluta, P. Romon, Y. Kenmochi, N. Passat

Abstract: Euclidean rotations in Rn are bijective and isometric maps. Nevertheless, they lose these properties when digitized in Zn. For n=2, the subset of bijective digitized rotations has been described explicitly by Nouvel and Rémila and more recently by Roussillon and Cœurjolly. In the case of 3D digitized rotations, the same characterization has remained an open problem. In this article, we propose an algorithm for certifying the bijectivity of 3D digitized rational rotations using the arithmetic properties of the Lipschitz quaternions.

File(s): Pre-print (PDF), BibTeX, Errata (2017-06-20)

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Romon P., Kenmochi Y., Passat N. (2016) Bijectivity Certification of 3D Digitized Rotations. In: Bac A., Mari JL. (eds) Computational Topology in Image Context. CTIC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9667. Springer, pp 30-41, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39441-1_4

Bijective Rigid Motions of the 2D Cartesian Grid

Published in DGCI, 2016

Author(s): K. Pluta, P. Romon, Y. Kenmochi, N. Passat

Abstract: Rigid motions are fundamental operations in image processing. While they are bijective and isometric in R2, they lose these properties when digitized in Z2. To investigate these defects, we first extend a combinatorial model of the local behavior of rigid motions on Z2, initially proposed by Nouvel and Rémila for rotations on Z2. This allows us to study bijective rigid motions on Z2, and to propose two algorithms for verifying whether a given rigid motion restricted to a given finite subset of Z2 is bijective.

File(s): Pre-print (PDF), BibTeX

Errata is not provided but several typos and mistakes were corrected in the journal version of this paper (see Bijective Digitized Rigid Motions on Subsets of the Plane)

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Romon P., Kenmochi Y., Passat N. (2016) Bijective Rigid Motions of the 2D Cartesian Grid. In: Normand N., Guédon J., Autrusseau F. (eds) Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. DGCI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9647. Springer, pp 359-371, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32360-2_28

Topological alterations of 3D digital images under rigid transformations

Published in HAL (research report), 2014

Author(s): Pluta K., Kenmochi Y., Passat N., Talbot H. and Romon P.

Abstract: Rigid transformations in Rn are known to preserve the shape, and are often applied to digital images. However, digitized rigid transformations, defined as digital functions from Zn to Zn do not preserve shapes in general; indeed, they are almost never bijective and thus alter the topology. In order to understand the causes of such topological alterations, we first study the possible loss of voxel information and modification of voxel adjacencies induced by applications of digitized rigid transformations to 3D digital images. We then show that even very simple structured images such as digital half-spaces may not preserve their topology under these transformations. This signifies that a simple extension of the two-dimensional solution for topology preservation cannot be made in three dimensions.

File(s): PDF, BibTeX

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Kenmochi Y., Passat N., Talbot H., Romon P. (2016) Topological alterations of 3D digital images under rigid transformations. HAL,

New Algorithm for Modeling of Bronchial Trees

Published in IPC, 2013

Author(s): K. Pluta, M. Janaszewski and M. Postolski

Abstract: The article presents new conception of 3D model of human bronchial tubes, which represents bronchial tubes extracted from CT images of the chest. The new algorithm which generates new model is an extension of the algorithm (basic algorithm) proposed by Hiroko Kitaoka, Ryuji Takaki and Bela Suki. The basic model has been extended by geometric deformations of branches and noise which occur in bronchial trees extracted from CT images. The article presents comparison of results obtained with the use of the new algorithm and the basic one. Moreover, the discussion of usefulness of generated new models for testing of algorithms for quantitative analysis of bronchial tubes based on CT images is also included.

File(s): PDF, BibTeX

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Janaszewski M., & Postolski M. (2012). New Algorithm for Modeling of Bronchial Trees. Image Processing & Communications, 17(4), 179-190. doi:10.2478/v10248-012-0045-8

Algorytmy Modelowania Geometrii Drzew Oskrzelowych w Przestrzeni 3D

Published in WSINF, 2013

Author(s): K. Pluta

Abstract: The thesis presents new conception of 3D model of human bronchial tubes, which represents bronchial tubes extracted from CT images of the chest. The new algorithm which generates new model is an extension of the algorithm (basic algorithm) proposed by Hiroko Kitaoka, Ryuji Takaki and Bela Suki. The basic model has been extended by geometric deformations of branches and noise which occur in bronchial trees extracted from CT images. The manuscript presents comparison of results obtained with the use of the new algorithm and the basic one. Moreover, the discussion of usefulness of generated new models for testing of algorithms for quantitative analysis of bronchial tubes based on CT images is also included.

File(s): PDF, Source code

Recommended citation: Pluta K.: Algorytmy Modelowania Geometrii Drzew Oskrzelowych w Przestrzeni 3D. Bachelor Thesis, University of Computer Science in Łódź, 2013

Algorytmy modelowania drzewa oskrzelowego

Published in SMiSKT, 2012

Author(s): K. Pluta, M. Postolski and M. Janaszewski

Abstract: The article presents a new conception of 3D human bronchial tree model which is useful to test algorithms for quantitative analysis of bronchial tubes based on tomographic images. The proposed model has been developed as an extension of the algorithm to generate the human bronchial tree by Hiroko Kitaoka, Ryuji Takaki and Bela Suki, The new model has been extended with geometrical deformations of branches and procedure which iteratively add noise and smooth a tree in voxel space. The presented conception has been implemented in the form of computer algorithms which generate 3D images of bronchial trees in voxel space. The article presents results of the implemented algorithms which are more like the segmented, real, bronchial trees than model Kitaoka, Takaki and Suki. Moreover the authors present influence of the algorithm parameters on the results and usefulness of the generated models for testing procedures of quantitative analysis of bronchial trees.

File(s): PDF, BibTex

Recommended citation: Pluta K., Postolski M., & Janaszewski M. (2012). Algorytmy modelowania drzewa oskrzelowego. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki, 11, 152-170.